Aaron J. Wirsing
Assistant Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington
Abi Vanak
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas
PhD candidate, University of Central Lancashire
Farhid Hemmatzadeh
Associate Professor in Virology, University of Adelaide
Jacqueline Boyd
Senior Lecturer in Animal Science, Nottingham Trent University
Dale Nimmo
Professor in Ecology, Charles Sturt University
Michael Ward
Chair of Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety, University of Sydney
Thomas Newsome
Associate Professor in Global Ecology, University of Sydney
Euan Ritchie
Professor in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, School of Life & Environmental Sciences, Deakin University
Chris Dickman
Professor Emeritus in Terrestrial Ecology, University of Sydney
Tim Doherty
Honorary Research Fellow, University of Sydney
Richard Squires
Associate Professor of Companion Animal Medicine, James Cook University
Elinor Karlsson
Assistant Professor of Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology, UMass Chan Medical School
Paul McGreevy
Professor of Animal Behaviour and Welfare, University of Sydney
Susan Hazel
Associate Professor, School of Animal and Veterinary Science, University of Adelaide