While Trump’s nominee to join the Fed favors returning to the gold standard, an economist explains why the US and the rest of the world abandoned it in the first place.
Yes, the bank would effectively pay you to borrow money. But negative interest rates won’t please savers, nor will they meet the big challenges of economic recovery.
There’s no indication that handling cash increases your chance of catching COVID-19. But that hasn’t stopped countries around the world from looking at digital currencies.
Creating lots of new money is supposed to produce runaway inflation. The longer that it doesn’t happen, the more this branch of economics appears to have a point.
In the week ending February 28, leading stock markets around the world faced their worst week since the financial crisis of 2008. And things could get worse.
How many people realise that the central banks’ great programme for reviving the global economy involves hand-picking which companies and sectors to help out?
Volcker’s legacy involves more than fighting inflation – he showed why central banks need to remain free of meddling from politicians, including the president.
Distinguished Professor and Derek Schrier and Cecily Cameron Chair in Development Economics, School of Economics and Business Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand