Mae gwerthuso beth yw gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion yn golygu edrych ar y cysyniad o wyddoniaeth ei hun.
Charles F. Kaye/Shutterstock
Mae gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion yn cynnig y posibilrwydd o wyddoniaeth i'r bobl, gan y bobl.
Evaluating what citizen science is involves looking at the concept of science itself.
Charles F. Kaye/Shutterstock
Citizen science offers the possibility of a science for the people, by the people. And it could be used to challenge the status quo.
France’s Convention for the Climate, held from 2019 to 2020, brought together 150 randomly selected citizens and asked them define measures to reduce the country’s greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% by 2030 compared to 1990.
Katrin Baumann/CCC
Decision-making bodies created by random selection, citizens’ assemblies are creating a sense of optimism about democracy among those who have heard about or taken part in them.
Participants on a Women’s March rally in front of San Francisco’s City Hall in 2019.
Sundry Photography | Shutterstock
From protest marches and fundraising to parliamentary petitions and talking with friends, there are many ways to make your voice heard.