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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 4761 - 4780 of 6972 articles

A woman gets back into her flooded car on the Toronto Indy course on Lakeshore Boulevard in Toronto on July 8, 2013. Housing developers are building housing on known flood plains in cities around the world. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Frank Gunn

Building housing on flood plains another sign of growing inequality

Cities around the world, including Toronto, are building housing on flood plains knowing the risks in the era of climate change. Here’s why that will contribute to growing inequality in our cities.
Both Abbott and former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce have flagged they could cross the floor on the emissions reduction legislation. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Abbott and Turnbull shape up for another round of an old battle

The Coalition party room on Tuesday is set for a high stakes, quite personal battle between Abbott and Turnbull over the NEG, with former and current prime ministers shaping up on Monday.
Story maps like this one can help policymakers better understand and respond to the needs of recently resettled refugees. S. Juneja

How ‘story maps’ redraw the world using people’s real-life experiences

From resettling Syrian refugees to mitigating climate change in Ecuador, interactive ‘story maps’ harvest communities’ stories to help policymakers and neighbors better understand complex problems.
A firefighter runs while trying to save a home near Lakeport, Calif. on July 31, 2018. AP Photo/Noah Berger, File

Fighting historic wildfires amid bad ideas and no funding

Canada’s boreal region faces bigger, hotter and more frequent wildfires that are increasingly unpredictable, but it lacks an investment in fire science that could help keep communities safe.
Frydenberg said: “Never before has there been an energy policy that has attracted such broad support.” Alex Murray/AAP

Victoria says it won’t sign up to the NEG without concessions

Meanwhile, underlining that next week will see a tough internal debate, Liberal backbencher Tony Pasin has contradicted Malcolm Turnbull’s statement that the NEG had already been endorsed by the party room.
If he can get in principle agreement on the NEG on Friday, Josh Frydenberg will then take the planned federal legislation on emissions targets to the Coalition party room the following Tuesday, with the COAG energy council signing off on the package after that meeting. Mick Tsikas/AAP

Victorian Labor government shapes up to Canberra over NEG

The Victorian Labor government’s cabinet will consider on Monday a raft of demands around the National Energy Guarantee ahead of a crucial federal-state energy ministers’ meeting later this week.

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