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Articles on Climate change

Displaying 6401 - 6420 of 6976 articles

Now that it is all said and done, what did we learn about Australian politics in the 2013 federal election campaign? AAP/Alan Porritt

Virtue and vexation: the policy vacuum in the 2013 election

I have been around for a long time and involved in some terrible campaigns, but the policy vacuum in 2013 was the worst I can recall. There was no serious debate on issues, whether simple or complex, and…
Global carbon emissions, by country - climate legislation helps. Distantbody

In praise of Britain’s Climate Change Act

Approved with overwhelming support from all political parties, the Climate Change Act came into force in 2008 and was hailed as a ground-breaking piece of legislation that would guide Britain’s transition…
Yesterday’s early start to the bushfire season threatened homes in Sydney’s suburbs. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Fire and flood: how home insurance can help us adapt to climate change

Australia is a harsh and volatile environment, subject to extremes of fire and flood. We’ve just seen a particularly early start to the bushfire season, with over 60 fires burning and at least two homes…
The Coalition has campaigned fiercely on its opposition to a carbon price. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

What next for Australia’s climate policy?

Australia’s new government is likely to repeal the carbon price, by striking a deal with crossbenchers in the Senate after July 2014, or possibly going to a special election if it looks electorally attractive…
These blue-green algae - cyanobacteria - would be the only winners from a warming ocean. Joydeep

If warming oceans leave algae hungry, we’ll go hungry too

Global warming is having a significant impact on marine life, as many marine organisms are adapted to live only within the average temperature range of their habitats. This applies to larger fish and sea…

El Niño affected by climate change

Climate phenomenon El Niño is stronger today than it has been over the last 175 years, according to research from the University…
A vote for the future? AAP/Lukas Coch

Election 2013 Essays: Australia for the long term

Election 2013 Essays: As the federal election campaign draws to a close, The Conversation asked eminent thinkers to reflect on the state of the nation and the challenges Australia – and whichever party…
Attributing heavy precipitation to climate change isn’t that easy. LordKhan/Flickr

The blame for rain is mainly done in vain

As a climate scientist, it seems for every extreme event - be it the recent hottest 12 months on record for Australia or the floods and heavy rains of 2011 and 2012 - one question is inevitably asked…
We’re going to need more than sandbags to adapt to climate change. AAP Image/Dave Hunt

Who should fund Australia’s adaptation to climate change?

If we haven’t heard much about carbon policy this election, we’ve heard even less about the other side of the climate equation - adaptation. We’re already seeing an increase in extreme weather, and climate…
Recent reports reveal that the cost of environmental damage far outweighs the cost of business model restructuring. Image from

Dollar signs of the times: how our politicians are costing the Earth

One of the most depressing and puzzling features of the current election campaign is the lack of emphasis on the costs that environmental risks pose to industry and business. Australian politicians appear…
The future of Earth’s living environment is a non-issue in the current Australian election. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Existential risks to our planetary life-support systems

We’re simply talking about the very life support system of this planet. - Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, chief climate advisor to the German Government It is not news that we are over stretching our planetary…
Don’t tell me to calm down - emotional expression is an inherent part of social discourse. Flickr/paolaharvey

Hot under the collar about climate change? It’s natural

Climate change is an issue that fires the emotions. Our media is full of images of this emotional engagement, from the despair of a venture capitalist in tears as he describes his fear “that we’re not…
Coral reefs under the business-as-usual-emission scenario, will quickly decalcify and dissolve. prilfish

Coral will dissolve if CO2 emissions don’t change

The world’s coral reefs will quickly dissolve if greenhouse gas emissions continue on current trends, a new simulation has found. Greenhouse gases cause the ocean to become warmer and more acidic, which…

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