Pat McConnell
Visiting Fellow, Macquarie University Applied Finance Centre, Macquarie University
Andrew Schmulow
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong
Kevin Davis
Emeritus Professor of Finance, The University of Melbourne
Eliza Wu
Associate Professor in Finance, University of Sydney
Mark Humphery-Jenner
Associate Professor of Finance, UNSW Sydney
Elizabeth Sheedy
Professor - Risk governance, culture, remuneration, Macquarie University
Thomas Clarke
Professor, UTS Business, University of Technology Sydney
Levon Ellen Blue
Associate professor, The University of Queensland
Rodney Maddock
Vice Chancellor's Fellow at Victoria University and Adjunct Professor of Economics, Victoria University
Rachell Li
Assistant researcher, University of Sydney
James D Metzger
Senior Lecturer in Law & Justice, UNSW Sydney
George Rennie
Lecturer in Politics, The University of Melbourne
Suzanne Le Mire
Professor of Law, University of Adelaide
Carly Sawatzki
Senior Lecturer Mathematics Education, Deakin University
Sandeep Gopalan
Pro Vice-Chancellor (Academic Innovation) & Professor of Law, Deakin University