The 2017 tax cuts put a $10,000 cap on the deduction for state and local taxes. The richest households would see the biggest gains from eliminating or raising the cap.
Congress changed the tax system to benefit companies with overseas operations but failed to help Americans actually living abroad, who still face punitive taxation.
The American middle class has been on a rocky ride during the 20th century, surging after World War II but falling since the 1980s. The Republican tax plan may be its death knell.
Unlike other age groups, 16- to 24-year-olds haven’t recovered the job losses they suffered during the Great Recession. Spurring investment and growth are key to getting them back to work.
Daniel Wirls, University of California, Santa Cruz
Republicans were able to push through a tax plan and a flurry of judicial nominees after the Senate curtailed use of the filibuster. It’s time to go all the way.
The House just passed its version of the tax plan, which includes about US$1 trillion in cuts for corporations. The question, who will be left holding the potato?