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Articles on Debt

Displaying 141 - 160 of 290 articles

Fewer government welfare recipients due to higher than expected employment growth provides a slightly stronger budget outlook for the Turnbull government as they head into 2018. Lukas Coch/AAP

Government budget update saved by higher than expected economic figures

The improvements in the government’s debt position are entirely because of revisions in economic assumptions, not fantastic fiscal management.
B.C.’s ambitious new school curriculum includes mandatory financial literacy instruction within math courses at every grade level, starting from kindergarten. (Shutterstock)

Why financial literacy should be taught in every school

Financial literacy is non-intuitive to the human brain and fundamental to survival today. We should follow British Columbia’s example and make financial literacy mandatory in every grade - across the country.
Two men sit at the roadside in the hope of being offered work. South Africa’s unemployment is moving towards 30%. EPA/NIC BOTHMA

Why South Africa shouldn’t turn to the IMF for help

The idea that South Africa must look towards the International Monetary Fund to rescue itself from the prevailing crisis must be dismissed.
With slow wages growth it is hard for household to “delever” themselves. Paul Miller/AAP

Vital Signs: the RBA was right to keep rates on hold

The amount of Australians in mortgage stress is the reason why wages growth and the labour market are such a problem - and a big reason for the RBA not to raise rates any time soon.

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