pexels/rdne stock project June 5, 2023 Retirement reinvented: how to find fulfilment later in life Tania Wiseman, Swansea University Unlocking the full potential of retirement: embracing fun, connections and new experiences.
Turning 50 can be the time of your life – but it also means adapting to new challenges. monkeybusinessimages/iStock via Getty Images Plus February 17, 2023 Turning 50? Here are 4 things you can do to improve your health and well-being Jay Maddock, Texas A&M University Middle age means staying a step ahead on both the medical and financial fronts.
Discovering passions and sharing time with loved ones are two things retirees say they wish they did more when they were younger. nullplus September 6, 2022 How to spend time wisely – what young people can learn from retirees Boróka Bó, University of Essex Balancing wellbeing and money is a matter of how you spend your time.
Continuing to engage in mental challenges keeps the brain from deteriorating in early retirement. Westend61/Getty Images September 22, 2020 Retiring early can be bad for the brain Plamen V Nikolov, Binghamton University, State University of New York A study of a retirement program in China found that people who retired early suffered significant cognitive decline that put them at risk of early onset of dementia.