Shutterstock November 25, 2021 What is orthokeratology? And will it help slow the deterioration of my child’s eyesight? Paul Gifford, UNSW Sydney Orthokeratology involves wearing a specially designed rigid contact lens overnight. There’s good evidence it can help slow the progression of myopia. But like all treatments, there are risks, too.
Give yourself time and you can see in the dark. Anton Watman/ October 3, 2019 How do my eyes adjust to the dark and how long does it take? Mark D. Fairchild, Rochester Institute of Technology Just the tiniest bit of light can let you see in the ‘dark.’ Here’s how your eyes do it.
I spy with my little eye… Shutterstock. April 29, 2019 Curious Kids: why do pets have dark eyes while humans have mostly white eyes? Jonathan Denniss, University of Bradford Pets, like guinea pigs, lead very different lives to humans – and that’s why they need very different eyes, too.
Where do chickens look when they’re scratching for food? pixabay October 21, 2017 I’ve always wondered: why don’t chickens look down when they scratch? Maggie J. Watson, Charles Sturt University Chicken eyes are stranger than you think: they can look up and down at the same time.