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Articles on Flu deaths

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A girl views the body of her father, who died of COVID-19, while mourners who can’t visit in person are onscreen. Joe Raedle/Getty Images News via Getty Images

279,700 extra deaths in the US so far in this pandemic year

Health statisticians keep careful tabs on how many people die every week. Based on what’s happened in past years, they know what to expect – but 2020 death counts are surging beyond predictions.
Americans have been advised to keep six feet away from everyone else when they can’t stay home. Nur Photo/Getty Images

Math misconceptions may lead people to underestimate the true threat of COVID-19

Comparing death tolls between COVID-19 and the flu is the wrong way to gauge which disease is a bigger threat, according to researchers who study how people understand math.
The impact of the flu on a population can be measured by looking at figures including cases, hospitalisations and deaths. From

It’s a bad year for flu, but it’s too early to call it the worst ever – 5 charts on the 2019 season so far

Headlines about this year’s flu season have been alarming. It’s true, we are having a serious season – but the data doesn’t indicate it’s the worst one we’ve ever had.
An Atlanta hospital set up a mobile ER to deal with the large number of flu cases. AP Photo/David Goldman

Why did the flu kill 80,000 Americans last year?

Part of the problem was a mismatch between the influenza strains circulating and the vaccine available. Here’s how annual flu shots are formulated.

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