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Articles on Higher ed attainment

Displaying 101 - 120 of 386 articles

Math scores plummeted during the COVID-19 pandemic. What will it take to raise them back up? Ridofranz / iStock / Getty Images Plus

Declines in math readiness underscore the urgency of math awareness

Nearly four decades after President Ronald Reagan proclaimed the first National Math Awareness Week, math readiness and enrollment in college math programs continue to decline.
For many teachers, grading is an individualized effort – not one consistent with other teachers. andresr/E+ via Getty Images

Every teacher grades differently, which isn’t fair

A scholar of grading explains how teachers can do a better job of reporting what grades represent, and what they are for.
U.S. women earn 82% of what U.S. men earn — and the gap is significantly higher for Black and Hispanic women. Portra/E+ Collection/Getty Images

5 tips for women to negotiate a higher salary

A negotiation expert offers practical tips for getting the salary or promotion you want.
The estimated cost of President Biden’s student loan cancellation program is $430 billion. Douglas Rissing via Getty Images

Student debt cancellation program in jeopardy as Supreme Court justices hear arguments

An estimated 40 million borrowers could be affected by a pair of cases before the Supreme Court that could block the Biden administration’s plan to cancel student debt.
Educational software has a long history, but chatbots could help students excel like never before. Fabio Principe / EyeEm via Getty Images

ChatGPT could be an effective and affordable tutor

ChatGPT could lead to substantial learning gains if it’s used as a tutor, an online learning specialist says.
Many elementary school teachers in the U.S. are of ethnic or racial backgrounds different from their students. AP Photo/Steve Helber

Do elementary school students do better when taught by teachers of the same race or ethnicity? New research finds: Not that much

Calls to increase the diversity of the teacher workforce are unlikely to meaningfully address large racial and ethnic educational inequities, at least not during elementary school.
Data shows teacher pay never exceeds that of other college graduates. Blend Images - LWA/Dann Tardif via Getty Images

Is it time for teachers to get a raise?

Teacher wages have risen little over the past few decades when adjusted for inflation.

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