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Articles on Higher ed attainment

Displaying 161 - 180 of 386 articles

Research shows women who study engineering do better when mentored by other women. Nitat Termmee/Moment via Getty Images

Only about 1 in 5 engineering degrees go to women

A negative environment dissuades many women engineering students from staying in the field. Can colleges and universities do anything to reverse the trend?
Nine out of 10 college men who admitted to sexual assault say they took advantage of victims who were intoxicated. shironosov via iStock/Getty Images Plus

Alcohol is becoming more common in sexual assault among college students

An increasing number of college students say they were victims or perpetrators of sexual assault – and that victims were drunk when the assault took place. Are campus drinking environments to blame?
Classmates in grades 3, 4 and 5 are more likely to come from diverse economic backgrounds than their schoolmates in grades 6, 7 and 8. Paul Bersebach, MediaNews Group/Orange County Register via Getty Images

Students are often segregated within the same schools, not just by being sent to different ones

In middle school classes, students from lower-income families tended to be concentrated in just a few classrooms, new research from North Carolina has found.
A 529 plan can pay for up to $10,000 a year for tuition at K-12 schools. MoMo Productions/DigitalVision via Getty Images

What is a 529 college savings plan? An economist explains

College savings plans – known as 529s – can be effective for certain families. Still, it pays to know the ins and outs of how the plans work, an expert says.
Rural students who grow up with strong ties to their schools are more likely to return to their hometowns after they graduate from college. Education Images/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

3 things that influence college graduates from rural areas to return to their communities

While many students who grew up in rural communities leave for good after going off to college, some are returning to their rural roots. A scholar who studies education and small towns explains why.
Single mothers are more likely than single fathers to have their debts discharged in court. Heide Benser/Getty Images

Your chances of getting rid of student loan debt depend on who you are

When researchers examined the outcomes for cases to discharge student loan debt, they found that judges are often biased against people based on their gender and other factors.
Gender gaps in achievement for AP math exams may lead to fewer women in STEM careers. Mint Images/Getty Images

Girls still fall behind boys in top scores for AP math exams

A scholar warns that women will continue to be underrepresented in STEM careers unless educators focus on helping girls do better in advanced math courses in high school.
Minority STEM majors are more likely than their white peers to switch fields. andresr/E+ via Getty Images

4 ways to help STEM majors stay the course

Colleges don’t have to sit by and watch STEM majors leave for other fields. Two Ph.D. biology students share tips for encouraging students to stick with STEM despite the difficulty involved.
A lawsuit claims that 16 elite U.S. universities give preference to children of donors over other applicants in their admissions. Alexi Rosenfeld/Getty Images

Colleges accused of conspiring to make low-income students pay more

A scholar weighs in on a new lawsuit that accuses several elite schools of price fixing and conspiring to lower the amount of financial aid offered to low-income students.

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