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Articles on Insulin

Displaying 61 - 76 of 76 articles

Death rates from type 1 diabetes in UK males aged 15 to 24 have almost doubled since 2000. York Vision/flickr

Why is diabetes killing so many teenagers?

Death rates for young men with type 1 diabetes in the UK have shot past similar figures for Western Europe. Greater focus on adolescents could save lives.
About 40% of type 2 diabetics become dependent on injecting themselves with insulin to deal with the surges in blood glucose that occur after meals. Jeff Fillmore/Flickr

Proposed new therapy aims to take the stress out of diabetes

Research published in the journal Nature Medicine on Monday by my team provides hope for a new approach to treating type 2 diabetes. In animal models of the disease, our treatment restores natural control…

The metabolic benefits of chilling out

Cooler temperatures increase the amount of heat-generating brown fat in people, according to research from Sydney being presented…
Doesn’t have to be like this for too long. lucasfrasca

Insulin pill may soon be a reality

Daily jabs of insulin are a painful reality for many with diabetes. That may change if researchers who have successfully tested oral insulin in rats are able to replicate those results in humans. Nearly…
Lowering insulin doses can have dangerous effects on the body. Jill A Brown

Diabulimia: health versus body image in type 1 diabetes

Many people around the world take insulin injections to manage their type 1 diabetes. Although it’s essential for their health, some dangerously manipulate their treatment to lose weight. Insulin is a…
Many diabetics rely on insulin injections, but a new discovery could see alternative treatments emerge. photoeditorvision/Flickr

Discovery lays groundwork for new diabetes treatments

New treatments for diabetes are set to be developed, following a discovery about the way insulin works inside the human body. In a study published today in the journal Nature, researchers from the Walter…
Post-marketing studies are often used as ploys to get doctors in the habit of prescribing expensive new medicines. Flickr / Nestle

How Big Pharma opens the market to new expensive drugs

New medicines are often marketed on the basis of clinical trials of limited size and duration. So clinical studies of a medicine after it has reached the market (post-marketing studies) can be a useful…

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