Firms are taking big bets on the technology’s potential to transform consulting work. But they shouldn’t lose sight of the unique value humans can bring.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, governments in Canada have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on outside consulting firms like McKinsey, Deloitte and EY with almost no public oversight.
In South Africa, state corruption has taken hold with utter disregard for ethics and democratic norms in a cynical exploitation of the post-apartheid transformation agenda.
The Steinhoff corporate scandal will do South Africa a huge service if it makes the point that corruption and mismanagement have nothing to do with race.
Business Leadership South Africa has in the recent past assumed a stinging position against public sector corruption. Bonang Mohale explains the stance taken by the lobby group.
The South African arm of the international accounting firm KPMG has learnt the hard lesson: Don’t break the 11th commandment - don’t get caught. That’s because South Africa’s citizens are fed up with corruption.
The Gupta email leaks have exposed the involvement of some big private corporations. in the unfolding corruption scandal thus challenging the private sector to do some introspection.
What are the chances that in the face of public criticisms, big business would curb its tax avoidance practices? Well, not much, as evidenced by a case decided by the US Court of Federal Claims. Salem…