Company earnings season is a blockbuster event in the world of finance. But it matters for the rest of us, too, so it’s important to understand the basics.
Accountants spurred Al Capone’s downfall and the Watergate scandal was revealed when reporters ‘followed the money.’ Will they also bring down Donald Trump?
An accounting expert points out that income Americans previously thought was invisible to the IRS will now be tallied up and reported by Venmo and similar apps.
We cannot leave reporting to the accounting profession and their assumptions about who and what is important. Recent proposals by the Canadian accounting profession should concern us all.
To achieve environmental sustainability, we need strong corporate standards that are quantifiably enforced, accountants trained to accurately measure sustainability — and we must all play a role.
In the face of technological threats, it may be tempting to turn finance professionals into data scientists. This isn’t the way forward. Instead, they need to find new uses for their expertise.
It is only with comparable data that scientists can assess whether the measures they implement are effective in protecting citizens, and better prepare for future health crises.