The Fraser Anning defection follows weeks of tension with Pauline Hanson and her adviser James Ashby, and a bitter clash at the One Nation party meeting on Monday morning.
Michelle Grattan speaks to Deep Saini about campaigning during the same-sex marriage postal ballot and Tony Abbott’s continued undermining of the government.
The High Court ruling over the five MPs’ legitimacy to hold seats may hang on whether they took reasonable steps to renounce their non-Australian citizenships.
Three years ago The Australian newspaper launched a broadside at the Bureau of Meteorology. But when it did it again this week, it seemed to get less traction from the top echelons of government.
Federal Labor is pushing hard on James Ashby. A prime motive is embarrassing the Coalition over preferences, ahead of the Queensland election, and the later federal one.
David Leyonhjelm’s complaint over being called an ‘angry white male’ could showcase the difficulty in launching a successful action under Section 18C and undermine an argument in support of repeal.
One Nation Senator-elect Malcolm Roberts lauds Galileo as a hero who turned scientific consensus on its head. But the ‘Galileo gambit’ is just one weapon in the climate conspiracists’ arsenal.
Contrary to the claims of One Nation Senator-elect Malcolm Roberts’ that climate change is not happening, there is abundant evidence it is, but it might not be enough to persuade him.