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Articles on Malcolm Roberts

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All eyes will be on the High Court as it decides the dual citizenship cases of (from left), Malcolm Roberts, Scott Ludlam, Larissa Waters, Barnaby Joyce, Fiona Nash, Matt Canavan and Nick Xenophon. AAP/Various photographers

High stakes for Turnbull government as High Court hears MPs’ citizenship cases

For Malcolm Turnbull, on a wafer-thin majority and struggling in the polls, the outcome of the seven High Court cases is of vital importance.
While there are legitimate grounds for critique of Section 18C, David Leyonhjelm’s ‘test’ case is not the ideal candidate. AAP/Lukas Coch

Could Section 18C protect ‘angry white males’ like David Leyonhjelm?

David Leyonhjelm’s complaint over being called an ‘angry white male’ could showcase the difficulty in launching a successful action under Section 18C and undermine an argument in support of repeal.

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