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Articles on Michigan

Displaying 41 - 52 of 52 articles

Quite the surprise! EPA/Andreas Arnold

Expert reaction: how Trump’s big night unfolded across the US

From coast to coast, the 2016 election has torn up the usual order.
Detroit has emerged from bankruptcy, but the process has been sharply criticized, which could impair its success. Reuters

What are the costs of Detroit’s rise from bankruptcy?

Earlier this month, we learned that the biggest municipal bankruptcy in history would also be among the swiftest. The emergency manager for Detroit filed for bankruptcy in the summer of 2013 without a…
Universities in South Africa do it… image via

Affirmative action should be viewed in global context

“Affirmative action won’t be around for much longer, ” said one of our professors twenty years ago, advising against writing a dissertation on this topic. The United States Supreme Court’s Schuette decision…

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