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Articles on Newspoll

Displaying 101 - 120 of 187 articles

Shorten said the government was buying time “to pump up their own tyres” with advertising. Ellen Smith/Joel Carrett/AAP

Coalition narrows gap to trail 48-52% in post-budget Newspoll

As Morrison readies to call the election, with speculation he will announce next weekend for May 18, he has also increased his lead over Shorten as better prime minister in Newspoll.
The latest Newspoll comes as the Liberals in Curtin on Sunday selected. Celia Hammond as the candidate for Julie Bishop’s safe Western Australian seat. University of Notre Dame

ALP widens Newspoll lead to 54-46%, as Liberals choose conservative successor to Bishop

The worsening Coalition performance comes after last week’s sluggish economic figures and amid more bickering on the conservative side of politics, including pot shots from Malcolm Turnbull.
Scott Morrison’s personal ratings have also worsened, in a poll that. comes in the wake of his intensive week of campaigning in the key state of Queensland. Dan Peled/AAP

Government falls further behind – Labor leads 55-45% in Newspoll

The Newspolls have been consistently worse for the Coalition since the leadership change – before that Labor had been cut back to a narrow 51-49% lead.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison appears to be enjoying a honeymoon period, with the Coalition up two points on two-party preferred in the latest Newspoll. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Poll wrap: Labor drops in Newspoll but still has large lead; NSW ReachTEL poll tied 50-50

The Coalition’s recent hit in the polls seems to be subsiding, while Kerryn Phelps may have made a damaging error by announcing she’ll preference the Liberals in the Wentworth byelection.

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