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Articles on Phylogenetic analysis

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A live Padaungiella lageniformis wiggles its pseudopods. Daniel J. G. Lahr

‘Micro snails’ we scraped from sidewalk cracks help unlock details of ancient earth’s biological evolution

Using the family relationships between single-celled protists alive today, researchers hypothesized what their evolutionary ancestors looked like – and then looked in the fossil record for matches.
Genomic data sets the record straight on where bird species sit on the avian family tree. photoholic1/Flickr

Bird tree of life shows ‘explosive evolution’: studies

Today’s land birds, from ducks to eagles, shared a common ancestor after dinosaurs went extinct – just one finding from bird gene studies published in journals, including Science and GigaScience…

Butterfly family tree mapped

The “Tree of Lepidoptera” - comprising butterflies, moths and related species - has been mapped back to their earliest common…
Granny, why are your eyes so big? Gustave Dore

As they spread, folktales evolve like biological species

We all know the story: Once upon a time there was a young girl who took a walk through the woods to visit her grandmother, carrying a basket of goodies. When she arrived she found her granny ill in bed…

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