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Articles on Quick reads

Displaying 901 - 920 of 1034 articles

Many associate entrepreneurship with youth – like Mark Zuckerberg, who famously started Facebook as a student at Harvard. AP Photo/Paul Sakuma, File

Most successful entrepreneurs are older than you think

Most people think of entrepreneurship as a young person’s game. But the highest-growth firms in the US come from entrepreneurs who are 45 years old.
One of the signature fragrances of spring comes after the consumption of asparagus. Anton G

That distinctive springtime smell: Asparagus pee

Perhaps you’ve noticed something unusual in the bathroom after you consume this healthy spring vegetable. A Speed Read explains there’s two parts to the stinky puzzle: production and perception.
Cities and towns are becoming more technologically sophisticated – but remain vulnerable to attack. It Never Ends/Pixabay

Local governments’ cybersecurity crisis in 8 charts

Local governments don’t pay much attention to cybersecurity, leaving them vulnerable to hijacking as happened to Atlanta and Baltimore.
For a megacity, Tokyo is rich in trees. gillyberlin/flickr

We calculated how much money trees save for your city

In an increasingly urban world, trees can make a major difference. One study found that, for every dollar invested in planting, megacities saw a $2.50 return on their investment.
Mike Pompeo was confirmed as U.S. secretary of state on April 26. Leah Millis/Reuters

Pompeo confirmation makes Mideast war more likely

The new secretary of state once called the Iran nuclear deal ‘unconscionable.’ If he supports Trump’s instinct to scrap the agreement on May 12, it could unleash violence across the volatile Mideast.
Sens. Bob Corker and Bob Menendez look on during the second round of questioning of Secretary of State-designate Mike Pompeo. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Senate confirmation: The grilling can be grueling

Senate confirmation for many of President Trump’s nominees has been tough. In this speed read, The Conversation asks: What is Senate confirmation, and why do we do it?
Protestors demonstrate inside a Philadelphia Starbucks, where two black men were arrested. REUTERS/Mark Makela

What’s unconscious bias training, and does it work?

Starbucks is giving this training to its employees, but it’s still so new that there’s no standard format and little research yet on whether it’s effective.

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