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Articles on Refugee youth

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Inflexible structures of higher education and competing demands related to settlement often make transition difficult for refugees, despite their desire to work hard. Shutterstock

Universities need to do more to support refugee students

Without developing a better understanding of the challenges refugee students face, we run the risk of further disadvantaging refugee students in Australia.
Displaced children, like these in the Iraqi town of Qaraqosh, are remarkably resilient but not all thrive in their new countries. Here’s how we can help them. Joseph Galanakis/AAP

How we can help refugee kids to thrive in Australia

New research into the health of newly arrived refugee children in Australia gives us clues about how we can help all refugee kids.
Students in a school run by refugees in Indonesia learn maths, English, art and science.

Refugee-run school in Indonesia a model for governments to emulate

A school set up by asylum seekers and refugees in the West Java town Cisarua, Indonesia, is a community-led initiative that Australian and Indonesian governments should model and support.
Repeated trauma in childhood appears to change children’s enduring hormonal function and their subsequent brain development. sakhorn/Shutterstock

Here’s another reason kids don’t belong in detention: trauma changes growing brains

A bill that would release the 112 children currently in immigration detention in Australia will soon go before the House of Representatives. So what should MPs consider when casting their votes?
A fashion program is one of the many effective alternative pathways to education and work offered by The Social Studio. flickr/Alpha

Ensuring young people in all walks of life ‘earn or learn’ costs money

Why do young people drop out of school? Many factors influence this critical decision. These include the cost of education (think rising fees, cost of transportation, materials, textbooks and uniforms…

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