Roughly half of public schools have a police presence.
Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images
A former deputy chancellor of New York City schools explains why the police don’t need to patrol the nation’s public schools.
Why should kids get suspended in preschool?
Black kids get suspended in preschool for minor offenses. A 2016 report shows 45 percent of preschool boys were suspended, once or more.
Systems of oppression have much in common.
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Racial inequality in America has its parallel in caste inequality in India. What can the world’s two largest democracies learn from each other?
Students of color are more likely to be suspended.
Rod Library
Students of color are subjected to harsher disciplinary measures. Are schools doing enough to check this practice?
Black students are more likely to get suspended for minor violations.
McGeorge BLSA
Black students get suspended or expelled at a rate three times greater than white students. The cost: they fall behind in school, and the cycle of poverty and failure is perpetuated.