Lindsey Darvin
Assistant Professor of Sport Management, Syracuse University
Francine Berman
Director of Public Interest Technology and Stuart Rice Honorary Research Professor, UMass Amherst
Elizabeth C. Tippett
Associate Professor of Law, University of Oregon
Amanda Cote
Assistant Professor of Media Studies/Game Studies, University of Oregon
Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia
Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Florida
Julie Manning Magid
Professor of Business Law, Indiana University
Banu Ozkazanc-Pan
Barrett Hazeltine Professor of the Practice of Engineering, Brown University
Stephen Zoepf
Executive Director of the Center for Automotive Research, Stanford University
Anthony C. Infanti
Professor of Law, University of Pittsburgh
Yanbo Ge
Ph.D. in Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington
Timothy W. Jones
Timothy W. Jones is a Friend of The Conversation.
Associate Professor in History, La Trobe University
Laura Doering
Associate Professor of Strategic Management, University of Toronto
Joan M. Cook
Professor, Yale University
Sarah Thebaud
Associate Professor, Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jonathan Entin
Professor Emeritus of Law and Adjunct Professor of Political Science, Case Western Reserve University