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Articles on Storm Financial

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Small investors, such as those caught in Storm Financial’s collapse, need ongoing protection. AAP/Dan Peled

Resist efforts to water down FOFA, to protect all Australians

As public hearings into the Future of Financial Advice’s Senate inquiry begin on Thursday, it’s probably not overstating the case to say the financial planning industry is at a crossroads. With the F0FA…
ASIC Commissioner Greg Tanzer has this week faced the scrutiny of a Senate committee hearing. AAP/Paul Miller

Low penalties, high costs: ASIC needs legislative reform

In 2005, the Federal Court faced the difficult task of arriving at a penalty for Steve Vizard after he was found in breach of his duties as a director of Telstra. In his judgment, Raymond Finkelstein criticised…
Rampant litigation in the financial sector will only create more risk for Australia’s banks. AAP

Too many lawsuits might break the banking sector

This week, the National Australia Bank published its 2012 annual report, confirming that its net profit for the year had fallen by about 21%, mainly from higher bad and doubtful debt charges. Buried deep…
A rare win for investors: Litigation funder IMF (Australia) helped fund a class action case against Grange Securities, which was found to have misled unsophisticated investors. AAP

Too late for Storm, but bank liability the lesson from Wingecarribee

Justice Steven J. Rares was blunt when he handed down his judgement in the long-running class action, Wingecarribee Shire Council vs. Lehman Brothers Australia, last week. Grange Securities, a subsidiary…
Founder of Storm Financial, Emmanuel Cassimatis, speaks before a parliamentary inquiry. AAP

Financial advice reform: have we learned enough from Storm?

When financial planning firm Storm Financial collapsed with $3 billion in investment losses, many of its investors were left destitute. A parliamentary joint committee inquiry into the company’s demise…

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