Michael J. Poulin
Associate Professor of Psychology, University at Buffalo
Terence S. Dermody
Professor and Chair of Pediatrics, University of Pittsburgh
John Costello
Assistant Professor of Marketing, University of Notre Dame
JT Torres
Director of the Harte Center for Teaching and Learning, Washington and Lee University
Ofer Harel
Professor of Statistics, University of Connecticut
Julie K. Pfeiffer
Professor of Microbiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Ashley Roccapriore
PhD Candidate in Business, University of Tennessee
Rebecca Walker Reczek
Berry Chair of New Technologies in Marketing and Professor of Marketing, The Ohio State University
Jennifer Watling Neal
Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University
Paul Orsmond
Senior Lecturer in the School of Life Sciences and Education, Staffordshire University
Richard Halfpenny
Lecturer in the School of Life Sciences and Education, Staffordshire University
Aviva Philipp-Muller
Doctoral candidate in Social Psychology, The Ohio State University
Zachary P. Neal
Associate Professor of Psychology, Michigan State University
Tim Pollock
Haslam Chair in Business and Distinguished Professor of Entrepreneurship, University of Tennessee