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Articles on Tariffs

Displaying 101 - 120 of 131 articles

Donald Trump doesn’t liked to be reined in, which is why he has such a problem with trade deals like NAFTA. (The Associated Press)

New NAFTA or no NAFTA? How Trump’s ire could affect Canadian agri-food

Part of the purpose of trade deals is to prevent politicians from inserting politics into matters of commerce. Donald Trump is bucking that trend. What does it mean for Canada and NAFTA?
Foreign goods wait to be unloaded at the Port of Los Angeles. AP Photo/Nick Ut

What is a tariff? An economist explains

A global trade war seems well underway as China and the US exchange targeted tariff attacks. An economist explains what they are, how they work and why they matter.
Former U.S. president Richard Nixon is seen here with Pierre Trudeau in Ottawa in 1972. Nixon was bitterly opposed to Canada’s Auto Pact moves 50 years ago, saying Canada had cheated at the expense of American jobs and investment. He refused calls to exempt Canada from an import surcharge. (THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Why Canada shouldn’t always count on special treatment from the U.S.

U.S. President Donald Trump has exempted Canada, for now, from hefty tariffs on steel. An increase in defence spending would likely stand Canada in greater stead with the president.
Bush, seen here in 2006, revoked his steel tariffs less than two years after imposing them in 2002. Reuters/Jason Reed

George W. Bush tried steel tariffs. It didn’t work

President Trump slapped steep tariffs on steel imports, echoing protectionist measures taken by Bush in 2002.
A welder fabricates a steel structure at an iron works facility in Ottawa on March 5, 2018. U.S.President Donald Trump’s stated intention to impose new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports could start a trade war. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

Canada can’t win a trade war with the United States

Ottawa seems utterly unprepared for a trade war with the United States. The recent federal budget upholding equity values is noble, but won’t mean a thing if the government runs out of cash.
Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland with U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, right, and Mexico’s Secretary of Economy Ildefonso Guajardo Villarrea, deliver statements to the media during the sixth round of negotiations for a new North American Free Trade Agreement in Montreal in January 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graham Hughes

What if Trump kills NAFTA? Remedies for Canada and Mexico

Donald Trump has described NAFTA as the worst trade deal ever signed by the United States. As NAFTA talks continue, here’s what Canada and Mexico can do if the unthinkable happens.
Canada’s NAFTA strategy is in big trouble. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seen here meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in February 2017. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick)

Rebooting Canada’s failed NAFTA strategy

Instead of treating the Trump administration as a campaign adversary, Canada needs to start working with the United States to renegotiate a NAFTA that serves both countries, not regimes like China.
Most of the growing number of jobs in the solar industry have more to do with maintaining and installing panels than manufacturing them. only_kim/

Better ways to foster solar innovation and save jobs

The Trump administration can boost domestic solar panel manufacturing without slapping duties on all imports.
The U.S. is slapping tariffs on China-made aluminum, which could lead to a trade war. AP Photo/Paul Sakuma

Why the US shouldn’t start a trade war with China

Some fear that recent actions against China taken by the Trump administration mean we’re on the verge of a trade war. What would be the cost?

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