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Articles on tiny houses

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The Arlington Presbyterian Church in Arlington, Va., seen in 2015, developed an affordable housing project on its property. Michael S. Williamson/The Washington Post via Getty Images

Affordable housing in God’s backyard: Some religious congregations find a new use for their space

Many houses of worship no longer need as much space as they once did, or struggle to keep up with the bills. For some, redevelopment to include housing provides a new way to live out their mission.
Volunteers are building villages of tiny houses for formerly homeless people. Bruce Kelsh/Cottage Village Coalition

3 innovations helping the homeless in Eugene, Oregon

Nonprofits and concerned residents are teaming up with the local government to solve a daunting problem in a city with the nation’s highest per-capita rate of homelessnesss.
The southern elevation of Two Pavilion House, showing the separate pavilions that give the house its flexibility. Image: Scott Burrows

We need more flexible housing for 21st-century lives

People living with the change and uncertainty of this century need flexible and adaptable housing. Here we look at a couple of examples of what’s possible.
A tiny house in the backyard appeals to some as a solution that offers both affordability and sustainability. Think Out Loud/flick

Interest in tiny houses is growing, so who wants them and why?

New research has found a marked increase in people, particularly among women over 50, who are building or want to build a tiny house. However, inflexible planning rules often stand in their way.
The city of Dortmund is seeking citizens’ input on plans for this 44-hectare brownfield site of Hoesch Spundwand und Profil in Dortmund. Robing Chang

How ‘temporary urbanism’ can transform struggling industrial towns

Pop-up parks and tiny houses are just a few of the innovative solutions that can help post-industrial cities across Europe and North America adapt to the future.

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