John M Sloop
Professor of Communication Studies, Vanderbilt University
Beth Clarkson
Football Consultant & Visiting Senior Lecturer in Strategy and Governance in Women's Football, University of Portsmouth
Dr. Theo Stengelhofen
Professeur Associé/ Head of Department 'Strategy & Entrepreneurship', ICN Business School
Dionne Koller
Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Sport and the Law, University of Baltimore
Heather Hensman Kettrey
Associate Professor of Sociology, Clemson University
Daryl Adair
Associate Professor of Sport Management, University of Technology Sydney
Robert Marx
Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Development, San José State University
Barbara Slavich
Professor of Management, IÉSEG School of Management
Verity Postlethwaite
Vice-Chancellor Independent Research Fellow, Sport, Business and Society Research Group, Loughborough University
Ali Bowes
Senior Lecturer in Sociology of Sport, Nottingham Trent University
Krista Finstad-Milion
Professeure Associée et Directrice du Département Ressources Humaines et Comportement Organisationnel, ICN Business School
Wycliffe W. Njororai Simiyu
Professor and Chair of Kinesiology and Health Science, Stephen F. Austin State University
Julie E. Brice
Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology, California State University, Fullerton
John Eric Goff
Professor of Physics, University of Lynchburg
Christophe Rethore
Enseignant-chercheur et Responsable Département Marketing, ICN Business School