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Displaying 1951 - 1975 of 9529 articles

G7 leaders convene at Schloss Elmau, Germany. EFE-EPA/Thomas Lohnes

How Africans can assess the value of the latest G7 summit

The G7 summit offered the most recent insights for Africa into how western nations are considering their stakes in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the impact that could have on developing nations.
Judge President of South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal, Mandisa Maya. Simphiwe Nkwali (Photo by Gallo Images / The Times via GettyImages)

Justice Maya’s support for African languages in South Africa’s courts is a positive sign

It is important to embrace all the nation’s languages in a multilingual and multicultural society. This will ensure they are used, developed and mainstreamed.
Right to die activist Sean Davison (left) speaks to the press after three years of house arrest. Brenton Geach/Gallo Images via Getty Images

The right to die: unpacking an ethical dilemma in South Africa

People make decisions throughout their lives about their health. But when they are terminally ill they are not allowed to decide when they want to die.