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Articles on white genocide

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Aug. 12, 2017: white nationalist demonstrators use shields as they guard the entrance to Lee Park in Charlottesville, Va. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

The 100-year-old rallying cry of ‘white genocide’

White supremacists push an agenda that have their followers believing they are in danger of extinction. But their ‘race suicide’ ideas are based on 100-year-old unscientific and racist research.
Afrikaans singer Steve Hofmeyr (with the yellow t-shirt) in front of a statue of Paul Kruger at Church Square in Pretoria. Alon Skuy/The Times

Donald Trump, white victimhood and the South African far-right

The idea of white victimhood played an important part in Donald Trump’s rise. The South African brand of white supremacy has made a tangible contribution to this narrative of victimhood.