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The Abbott government’s instinct on foreign policy is to approach it through the lens of domestic politics. AAP/Lukas Coch

Global pressures expose the limits of Australian foreign policy

The pressure the Abbott government faced over the Syrian refugee crisis hints at a broader trend. Global political dynamics are now exposing a credibility deficit in Australian foreign policy.
What role does the philologist play in our ongoing engagement with great writing? AAP image/Art Gallery NSW/ 'John Coetzee' by Archibald finalist Adam Chang, 2011.

JM Coetzee and the Life of Writing bears testimony to the value of a literary archive

David Attwell’s new book is the first extended investigation of the South African author composed since the recently-opened Coetzee archive at the University of Texas. So what does it teach us?
The activities we do during the day – from having a fight with a partner to using our iPhones at night – also affect our hormone levels and, in turn, our quality of sleep. Jan Faukner/Shutterstock

Chemical messengers: how hormones help us sleep

Sleep allows many of our hormones to replenish so we have the optimal energy, immunity, appetite and coping ability to face the day’s highs and lows.
US Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi have seen quantitative easing pay off, but what about on the way out? David Stubbs/Reuters

The quantitative easing experiment is ending in global recession

The biggest factor behind the recessionary trend is not the Chinese market, austerity budgets, or even the threat of higher US interest rates this year.
Tony Abbott has twice compared Islamic State to the Nazis, but does that aid our understanding of terrorism and what needs to be done to defeat it? AAP/Richard Wainwright

When words fail: comparing Islamic State to the Nazis misses the mark

We need to find ways of speaking about the horrific actions of Islamic State that help, not hinder, understanding of the magnitude of those crimes and what needs to be done to combat them.
Rupert Murdoch is nothing if not a prolific tweeter. Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

Why does Rupert Murdoch bother with Twitter?

Why would a man with so much media power at his fingertips, and political power on three continents to match, choose to expose himself to the raw landscape of the Twittersphere?
The PBAC must make tough decisions about which cancer drugs to subsidise. Eric Gaillard/Reuters

New cancer drugs are very expensive - here’s how we work out value for our money

Most of us would agree that cancer drugs should be listed on the PBS, no matter how dear. But our health system can’t afford all of them. How then are decisions about which drugs to subsidise made?
Should the Federal government take over from the states in funding vocational education and training? AAP/Lukas Coch

Should the federal government take over vocational training?

The Federal Minister for Education and Training Christopher Pyne has recently added his support to the proposal for the federal government to take over full responsibility for funding Vocational Education and Training.
Lots of scientists see things in different ways, but that doesn’t undermine its authority. Dan Tentler/Flickr

Why should we place our faith in science?

Deep disagreements within science might seem to undermine its authority, but they only underscore how science really works.
During the 1890s Sibelius cemented his position as Finland’s leading composer. Allan Watt/ Helsinki, Sibelius Monument

The case for the music of Jean Sibelius

The classical music world is marking the 150th anniversary of Finnish composer Jean Sibelius with concerts across Finland and in Australia too. But who was the man behind the music?
Federal Minister for Communications Malcolm Turnbull (right) lends a hand rolling out NBN fibre at Queanbeyan, near Canberra, in June 3. AAP Image/Lukas Coch

The NBN: why it’s slow, expensive and obsolete

Two years on from the Coalition’s promise of a national broadband network that would be faster, cheaper and delivered sooner than Labor’s plans, what have we got?
The more we take antibiotics, the more likely we are to have superbugs down the line. Brandice Schnabel/Flickr

When should you take antibiotics?

Antibiotics can prevent serious harm and stop infections becoming fatal. But they won’t kill common cold and flu viruses, and careless overprescribing by doctors can do more harm than good.
Joe Hockey has made no secret of his republican leanings, yet his right to seek to revive debate on the issue has been questioned. Reuters/Jason Lee

What is it about a republic that stumps our leaders?

It has significant public support across party lines, but politicians who advocate Australia becoming a republic are likely to have their priorities and even their right to do so questioned.
A global approach would significantly increase the burden-sharing between the refugee-hosting countries near Syria and the rest of the developed world. Reuters/Stoyan Nenov

Only a global response can solve Europe’s refugee crisis

The size of the refugee crisis stemming from the conflict in Syria means that no single country can deal with it alone.