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Getting boys interested in books can be tough - but dads can help. Flickr/Kelly Sikkema

Fathers can make a difference in getting sons to read

Engaging boys in reading can be tough. Many parents find that their boys either aren’t interested in sitting still long enough, or they often perceive reading as a “girl thing”. The consequences of boys…
Only a small proportion of people who eat these berries will become infected. Chiot's Run/Flickr

Scary berries: how food gets contaminated and what to do

Food distributor Patties Foods has recalled two brands of frozen mixed berries — Nanna’s and Creative Gourmet — due to reports of three people in Victoria, four in Queensland and two in New South Wales…
The new waterfront in Australian literature: Parramatta. Lina Hayes/Flickr

The new Australian literary frontier: writing Western Sydney

Despite boasting a population of 2 million people – more than South Australia, the Northern Territory, Tasmania and the ACT combined – Western Sydney has, to date, had little impact on the literary pulse…
We’ve all met the angry driver – but how should a driver-less car react to such behaviour? shalunts

What happens when a self-driving car meets a road rage driver?

Driverless cars could soon be cruising Australian roads if South Australia gives the go-ahead to reforms to its road legislation. The technology promises to increase safety on our roads, but what happens…
Shell chief Ben van Beurden is pointing the way for oil companies to demand greater certainty over future climate policy. EPA/FACUNDO ARRIZABALAGA/AAP

Shell chief calls for climate action, but what are the firm’s motives?

In a speech last Thursday at International Petroleum Week – one of the biggest events on the industry’s calendar – Ben van Beurden, chief executive of Royal Dutch Shell, argued that big energy companies…
Buckled railway lines caused by the 1968 earthquake near Meckering in Western Australia. Alice Snooke/Geosciences Australia

Earthquakes down under: a rare but real hazard

Australia is generally regarded as a flat and seismically inert continent that is safe from any serious earthquake hazard. While this is generally true, we do occasionally experience moderate earthquakes…
The government’s political play on submarines could backfire. Image sourced from

Tender doublespeak adds risk to submarine decision

Days after announcing Australia’s largest ever defence contract will be awarded via a “competitive evaluation process”, the government is still scrambling for a sensible definition of what such a process…
The failure of senior ministers of government to observe basic protocols of respect for the Human Rights Commission and its president, Gillian Triggs, gives the nation a signal that the institutions of democracy are dispensable. AAP/Lukas Coch

Respect independent statutory bodies as central to democracy

In his incautious remarks about the Australian Human Rights Commission’s (AHRC) report into children in detention, Prime Minister Tony Abbott has shown a disregard for basic institutions of democracy that…
Cutting your kilojoule intake by 2,000kJ a day will help you lose 5kg – a clothes size – in three months. Lindsay Széchényi/Flickr

Health Check: ten ways to save 2,000 kilojoules and drop a clothes size

Want to drop a dress or pants size? Then losing five kilograms, or about 5% of your body weight will help that zipper start to close with ease. In case you need another reason, keeping a small amount of…
It is hard to understand exactly where Indonesia under Joko Widodo stands on the death penalty. EPA/Mast Irham

Indonesia’s stance on the death penalty has become incoherent

For months, Indonesian President Joko Widodo – popularly known as Jokowi – has repeatedly stated his determination to show no mercy to drug offenders facing execution. Jokowi is even reported as having…
Faith Bandler will be remembered as a tireless advocate for the rights of South Sea Islanders in Australia. AAP Image/Jane Dempster

Vale Faith Bandler: anti-racist intellectual and activist

Mrs Faith Bandler has died. We mourn our loss and honour her life. Her death on Friday marks the end of an era. At the age of 96 years, she outlived all the other black political activists of her generation…
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk and her deputy, Jackie Trad, head up a new cabinet with eight female and six male ministers, including the state’s first Indigenous woman MP. Dan Peled/AAP

A day of firsts for women in politics, and one in particular

It’s a historic day for politics and women in Australia – and even more remarkable for one woman minister, who is also Queensland’s first ever Indigenous woman MP. Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk’s cabinet…
With Tony Abbott’s political capital at a new low, he’s shifting the focus from big reforms to small wins. David Crosling/AAP

‘Big’ no longer beautiful for Australia’s reform agenda

As the haze lifts (in the short term at least) on Canberra’s leadership ructions, we can see the extent of the car wreck that is Australia’s economic reform agenda. “Political uncertainty hits business…
Punitive measures aren’t always the best way to discipline students in class, despite what teachers are taught. SHutterstock

How teachers are taught to discipline a classroom might not be the best way

The national review of teacher education, released last week, emphasised that teaching graduates need to enter the classroom with practical skills for handling a classroom, and not just knowledge of the…
Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s blanket rejection of clemency requests from drug convicts violates principles of human rights law. EPA/Dennis M. Sabangan

Jokowi should halt executions under Indonesia’s corrupt judicial system

In Indonesia, the fate of death row convicts lies largely in the hands of the country’s president, who can decide to spare their lives after examining their clemency requests. Indonesian President Joko…
We need more transparency around specialist charges so referring GPs and patients can make informed decisions. Theen Moy/Flickr

For real health reform, turn the spotlight on specialists’ fees

The impact of specialist fees on government and patient budgets has received little reform attention. This is despite the government’s push for controls in health-care spending and growing evidence of…
Fifty Shades of Grey creates a minefield on the issues at play in consensual acts of violence. Universal Pictures

Fifty Shades of Grey and the legal limits of BDSM

Christian Grey knows exactly his hard limits in sadomasochism and he may also know a thing or two about his legal limits. The Dominant character Grey in the fantasy fiction Fifty Shades of Grey is bent…
Another myth is that we all look like this. U.S. Army RDECOM/Flickr

Seven myths about scientists debunked

As scientific researchers, we are often surprised by some of the assumptions made about us by those outside our profession. So we put together a list of common myths we and our colleagues have heard anecdotally…
Water in Western Australia is one of the Academy’s examples of where climate is having an impact, and where communities are already adapting. Bram Souffreau/Wikimedia Commons

Australian Academy of Science brings climate change closer to home

The Australian Academy of Sciences today released the new The Science of Climate Change: Questions and Answers. This is an extensively revised update of a similar publication in 2010. Its stated purpose…
We can’t talk about “consensual” BDSM without considering the levels of violence against women. Universal Pictures

Violence dressed up as erotica: Fifty Shades of Grey and abuse

This Valentine’s Day, why not ditch the roses and celebrate by watching some sexual violence? That’s a more honest marketing pitch for the Fifty Shades of Grey film. It’s astonishing that, in 2015, sexual…
Annastacia Palaszczuk says she will ‘restore integrity and accountability’ in Queensland under her new minority Labor government – but can she and her Liberal National opponents work together to achieve that? AAP/John Pryke

Labor’s first test: putting integrity before politics in Queensland

It’s official: Labor is set to lead a minority government in Queensland, with the electoral commission finally declaring the results of the tight election, almost a fortnight after the January 31 poll…
It’s time for lovers to exchange images of the organ really responsible for their emotions on Valentine’s Day. Emil Jeyaratnam/The Conversation

Darling, I love you … from the bottom of my brain

In William Shakespeare’s comedy Merchant of Venice, the play’s heroine Portia sings: Tell me where is fancy bred, Or in the heart or in the head. If you look at Valentine’s Day cards, it’s clear fancy…