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Artículos sobre Bernie Sanders

Mostrando 101 - 120 de 165 artículos

Neoliberal policies have given way to resentment toward immigrants in Germany and other European countries. REUTERS/Fabrizio Bensch

European data suggests the gig economy helped create Trump, Sanders

Why are populist candidates all the rage this year in the race for the White House? Recent research from Harvard and BU links it to the market economy and a similar trend in Europe.
Clinton vs Trump: what could go wrong? Reuters/Lucy Nicholson

The White House won’t be handed to Clinton

Sanders’ latest win – this time in West Virginia – is a reminder that Clinton is far from a strong candidate. She will have to fight to win in the general election against Trump.
The Pentagon at sunrise. REUTERS/Gary Cameron

Has the American military fallen behind?

Trump and Cruz certainly think so. Clinton promises to maintain the “strongest military the world has ever known.” An OSU professor examines the issue through three different lens.
Hillary Clinton has been deeply frustrated in her efforts to dismiss Bernie Sanders’ candidacy. Reuters/Mike Segar

Clinton wins New York, but fight for the Democratic Party’s soul goes on

Hillary Clinton’s ‘slow and steady push’ is hardly inspiring. But it shows she is playing the long game, already positioning herself as the centrist candidate for the election in November.
Hillary Clinton is a flawed presidential candidate. But she’s still probably the best on offer. Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Hillary Clinton as president will not necessarily be a feminist coup

The rise of women to very powerful positions has not, to date, opened the way for other women. So there is no reason to believe a Hillary Clinton presidency would change that.
A early chest, belonging to Sir Thomas Bodley, founder of The Bodleian Library at Oxford Unviersity. mira66

The history of student loans goes back to the Middle Ages

When the first universities opened in Europe, some 800 years ago, students literally borrowed from a chest and used their books as collateral.

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