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Artículos sobre British Empire

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 128 artículos

A scene from Sir Clarmont Percival Skrine’s film Quetta-Damghan, almost certainly the only colour footage of the Indian Long Range Squadron in action. The film recently has been digitised by the Royal Geographical Society and the British Film Institute. British Film Institute/Royal Geographical Society

British Empire’s hidden workings in India and Iran revealed in remarkable new film footage

More than 100 historic expeditionary and travel films have been digitised recently by the Royal Geographical Society and the British Film Institute.
A controversial article in a respected academic journal recently made the argument for colonialism. Here, a man is carried by Congolese men in a photo from the early 20th centiry.

Colonialism was a disaster and the facts prove it

An academic article that asserted the benefits of colonialism caused an outcry and resulted in calls for its removal. A post-colonial expert explains why.
How will U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis handle America’s “Forever War’? Jonathan Ernst/Pool Photo via AP

Afghanistan is now officially James Mattis’ war

Donald Trump’s speech on “principled realism” in Afghanistan contained few surprises. Now, under the aegis of DOD chief Mattis it is the latest stage in America’s “forever war.”
Master Mansions today. From Fourthwall Books’ ‘Master Mansions’ (2017) by Mark Lewis and Tanya Zack. Mark Lewis/ Fourthwall Books

Keeping your hat on in Jo'burg: changing times of an Indian migrant milliner

Apartheid was to officially end in 1994. So was the fashion of wearing hats as the formalities of business, church and leisure gave way to the informality of urban equality.

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