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Artículos sobre Childbirth

Mostrando 41 - 60 de 160 artículos

Around 10 states in the U.S. have hit over 120 degrees Fahrenheit on their hottest days this year. VladisChern/

Pregnant women have a higher risk of delivering early on unseasonably hot days

More places around the world are experiencing days with record high temperatures. These prolonged hot spells may have unanticipated impacts on pregnant women, triggering early deliveries.
The practise of smearing microbes from mom’s vagina to the mouth, nose or skin of a baby born from Caesarean section is called ‘vaginal seeding.’ It aims to boost the child’s immune system. (Shutterstock)

What is ‘vaginal seeding’ and will it help your C-section baby?

A recent study of the newborn microbiome revealed that babies delivered via C-section were missing friendly bacteria and had picked up harmful microbes usually found in hospital environments.
Birth centres are a good option for women with low-risk pregnancies, but availability is limited. Lolostock/Shutterstock

Having a baby at a birth centre is as safe as hospital but results in less intervention

Compared to women who give birth in a birth centre, those who give birth in hospitals are much more likely to have interventions – from epidurals, to labour augmentation and caesarean deliveries.
James Young Simpson’s Caesarian forceps, Hunterian Museum, Glasgow. Stephencdickson/Wikipedia

How forceps permanently changed the way humans are born

Childbirth used to be a terrifying ordeal. But women were surrounded by others – mothers, aunts, sisters – who brought love and experience. But midway through the 19th century, this changed.
Caesarean delivery alone does not contribute to the odds of a child developing autism or ADHD. Aditya Romansa

There’s no evidence caesarean sections cause autism or ADHD

A new study has found a link between being born by caesarean section and having a greater chance of being diagnosed with autism or ADHD. But there’s no evidence caesarean sections cause them.
Women report abuse during delivery. Shutterstock

Subtle abuse affects women during childbirth

Research in Ghana, India and Kenya shows that more women experience subtle forms of undignified care than they do physical and verbal abuse during childbirth.
Doulas support women before, during and after childbirth. A new review explores the important role they play. From

What is a doula and how do they help women giving birth?

Supporting women to have a labour companion or doula of their choice during childbirth has benefits for women and their babies. It could be especially important for women from migrant backgrounds.

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