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Artículos sobre contempt of Congress

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At a January 2017 executive order signing, adviser Peter Navarro is third from left behind Trump, while Steve Bannon is on the far right. Ron Sachs - Pool/Getty Images

Prison sentence for Trump adviser Navarro gives new teeth to Congress as watchdog over the White House

The conviction and incarceration of 2 former Trump aides who refused to comply with the House Jan. 6 committee’s information requests could revive a potent tool for accountability.
U.S. Reps. Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney, chair and vice chair of the committee investigating the Capitol insurrection, after voting to hold Steve Bannon in criminal contempt. Alex Wong/Getty Images

Steve Bannon is held in criminal contempt of Congress, pushing key question over presidential power to the courts

Donald Trump asked his former presidential aides not to testify before a congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection – testing the limits of congressional oversight.

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