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Artículos sobre Devolution

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 107 artículos

Spain has unfinished business thanks to an ambiguous settlement. Ivan McClellan

Spain offers a lesson in how not to deal with devolution

As the UK heads towards its next phase of devolution, it should look to Spain for an example of how to do it badly. In its attempt to please everyone as it drew up its 1978 constitution, Spain ended up…
Stoking the fires. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

No shortage of ‘friends’ – but Miliband left them hanging

So no rabbit then. But plenty of friends. Probably too many, if truth be told; and maybe too many promises, too. The six-part plan unveiled by Ed Miliband in his Labour conference speech is at least one…
Let’s do this democratically. Andrew Yates/PA Wire

Does England’s education system need more devolution?

Devolving power to English regions and cities could offer a real chance to introduce more local oversight of the way academies and free schools are being managed. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have…

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