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Artículos sobre Domestication

Mostrando 21 - 33 de 33 artículos

How has domestication changed the humble house cat? Moyan Brenn/Flickr

Pretty kitties: feline ‘friendly’ genes mapped in study

House cats are a great source of companionship for many people – 3 million cats are kept as pets in Australia. Now thanks to research published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science today…
Domesticated mammals, including dogs, share a number of characteristic features. Klearchos Kapoutsis/Flickr

Why so many domesticated mammals have floppy ears

Take a look at several domesticated mammal species and you might spot a number of similarities between them, including those cute floppy ears. The famous naturalist and evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin…
So, you found my ancestors? Are you sure this time? epsos

Earliest evidence of cat domestication found in China

There has been much debate about how cats went from hunting in the wild to a much-loved pet. That is because we know little about their domestication. Now researchers have found the earliest case of cat…
Yeah, they messed with my genes. attawayjl

Silk Road trading helped produce the modern horse

The Silk Road snaked across continents for more than a thousand years, shaping civilisations in East and West. Famously trodden by Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan, the trade route brought riches to…

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