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Artículos sobre food scarcity

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The Tempest’s Caliban was said to voice the fury and distress of the people forced from the Fenlands which were being drained and enclosed. Lebrecht Music & Arts / Alamy

Shakespeare’s environmentalism: how his plays explore the same ecological issues we face today

Worrying environmental issues dominated the time of William Shakespeare as they do now, from depleted fish stocks and food shortages, to overpopulation and animal exploitation.
Residents of the remote town of Norris Point launched their own meals-on-wheels program to help the community cope with the COVID-19 pandemic. Roza Tchoukaleyska

Local meals-on-wheels program helps rural seniors cope with COVID-19 isolation

As the scale of the pandemic revealed itself in March, one small town in Newfoundland created a community-led meals-on-wheels to support its seniors.
In the latest Avengers film, our heroes grapple with the consequences of villain Thanos wiping out half the population. The study of resource management shows why this wouldn’t necessarily solve hunger and resource scarcity. Marvel Studios/IMDB

Avengers: Endgame and why a smaller population doesn’t guarantee paradise

Marvel villain Thanos wiped out half the universe’s population to create paradise. But as the Avengers find out in Endgame, solving resource scarcity is not that simple.
South African women trying to soak up stagnant water during the drought in January 2016. Denis Farrell/AP

How bucking climate change accord would hinder fight against HIV/AIDS

Climate change imperils food supply in many parts of the world, including South Africa, which has shown major gains in treating HIV/AIDS. Climate change could mean even less food – and more disease.

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