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Artículos sobre Natural gas

Mostrando 141 - 160 de 209 artículos

Protesters at a hearing on President Donald Trump’s plan to allow offshore oil and gas drilling along most of the nation’s coastline, Feb. 14, 2018 in Hamilton, N.J. AP Photo/Wayne Parry

Trump offshore drilling plan may be dead in the water, but there are better ways to lead on energy

The Trump administration plan to expand offshore oil and gas production along US coastlines faces serious roadblocks. But there are smarter ways to pursue ‘energy dominance.’
Unconventional gas wells are being approved in their thousands across Australia. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Expanding gas mining threatens our climate, water and health

Gas mining is expanding across Australia, and has been touted as part of the answer to cutting emissions. But there is evidence that this rollout will pose significant health and environmental risks.
Opportunities to help drive the energy transition are everywhere - even in Western Australia’s remote salt pans. Peter C. Doherty

We have so many ways to pursue a healthy climate – it’s insane to wait any longer

Nobel Prizewinning health researcher Peter Doherty reflects on the challenge of delivering a healthy climate for the world. From hydrogen power to wooden skyscrapers, the options are endless, but all require leadership.
California’s San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station was shut down in 2013. julius fekete/

The demise of US nuclear power in 4 charts

Commercial nuclear reactors provide roughly one-fifth of the electricity produced in the US. But they face grave threats to their continued operation.
A aerial view of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain tank farm is pictured in Burnaby, B.C. The federal government is buying Trans Mountain and all of Kinder Morgan Canada’s core assets. Opposition to pipeline construction in Canada has transformed over the decades, shifting from being a local issue to one of global concerns. THE CANADIAN PRESS Jonathan Hayward

The complicated history of building pipelines in Canada

Canada has a long history of building energy pipelines against a backdrop of environmental uncertainty. Decades ago, the opposition came from local groups. Now it’s a global issue.

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