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Artículos sobre new teachers

Mostrando 21 - 23 de 23 artículos

As a new teacher, your heavy school workload is exacerbated because you are doing everything for the first time. from

What’s so hard about teaching? Words of advice for new teachers

For new teachers, as the end of first term nears, you may be feeling despair. But don’t leave - we need teachers like you. Here’s some advice on how to make the first year a little less turbulent.
Moroccan teacher Moulay Ismael Lamrani with his class. Research suggests that an induction year is extremely valuable for teachers just entering the profession. Youssef Boudlal/Reuters

How an induction year can make all the difference to novice teachers

The first year at work is the toughest for novice teachers. Induction, guided by more experienced teachers, has proved an effective solution all over the world.

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