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Artículos sobre Politics

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Barnaby Joyce of the Nationals and Senator Nick Xenophon and his team may have more influence post election. Alan Porritt/AAP

Business Briefing: are Hanson, NXT and the Nationals bad for business?

Business Briefing: Hanson, NXT and The Nationals, bad for business? The Conversation14,8 MB (download)
The newly elected Senate crossbenchers and a stronger Nationals representation could mean bad news for trade deals but good news for local industry.
What’s behind the carefully curated, cartoonish personas played out in political media? EPA/GE YUEJIN

Why politicians and fictional characters have a lot in common

Voters judge political parties as best we can. But the way political narratives are presented – with their heroes and villains, twists and triumphs – rewards archetypes rather than nuanced reality.
The treasurer and his shadow went head to head in a debate that covered tax reform, education, superannuation and economic management. Stefan Postles/AAP

Twitter: Morrison and Bowen battle it out in Treasurers’ Debate

Analysis tweets from the debate between Treasurer Scott Morrison and Shadow Treasurer Chris Bowen at the National Press Club

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