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Artículos sobre Protestant

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 25 artículos

A chaplain prays for a COVID-19 patient in Los Angeles while on a video call with the patient’s daughter in November 2020. AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

How the role and visibility of chaplains changed over the past century

Chaplaincy emerged as a professional field in the mid-20th century. In the years since, their roles have evolved and they have also come to include many diverse religious traditions.
Painting depicting transfiguration of Jesus, a story in the New Testament when Jesus becomes radiant upon a mountain. Artist Raphael /Collections Hallwyl Museum

The long history of how Jesus came to resemble a white European

Recent protests on racial justice have also questioned the portrayal of Jesus as a white man. An art historian explains how this image appeared and came to be marketed worldwide.
A New Jersey minister welcoming members of the KKK into his church in 1923. Bettmann via Getty Images

Protestantism’s troubling history with white supremacy in the US

White supremacists feed off a narrative of America being white and Protestant. The Church’s history in the US is enmeshed with racist ideology.
President Donald Trump with televangelist Rev. Pat Robertson. AP Photo/Steve Helber

How Christian media is shaping American politics

In recent years, Christian television has moved into news and politics. A scholar explains its impact on beliefs and on politics.
John and Helen Haynes on their wedding day in 1962. John, a Protestant, was cut out of three wills after marrying Helen, a Catholic. Siobhan McHugh

Marrying across Australia’s Catholic-Protestant divide

Marrying across Australia’s Catholic-Protestant divide Trust Me, I'm An Expert, CC BY-ND44,1 MB (download)
Until 1970s the Catholic-Protestant divide was deeply entrenched in Australia. On this episode of Trust Me, I'm An Expert, journalism academic Siobhan McHugh shares stories of those who married across it.
Julie Pimentel

Can yoga be Christian?

A scholar explains how yoga is being Christianized in different parts of the world. But some Hindus and Christians argue that yoga is fundamentally Hindu.
Kurt Morrow

Is the death penalty un-Christian?

In the Western world, the U.S. is one of only one of two countries with capital punishment, and support remains strongest in the ‘Bible Belt’. Here’s a look at the historic arguments within Christian communities over the death penalty.
Blood on the streets: the 1572 St Bartholomew’s Day massacre. Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre by Francois Dubois via Wikimedia Commons

Five of the most violent moments of the Reformation

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called for repentence for the divisions caused by the schism between the Protestant and Catholic faiths.
Jennie A. Brownscombe’s ‘The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth’ (1914). Wikimedia Commons

The two men who almost derailed New England’s first colonies

The Pilgrims were thankful for finally being able to vanquish Thomas Morton and Ferdinando Gorges, who spent years trying to undermine the legal basis for settlements in Massachusetts and beyond.

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