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Artículos sobre Race-conscious admissions

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Affirmative action for college students in Brazil led to better employment prospects for those who benefited from the policy. Cesar Okada via Getty Images

What the US can learn from affirmative action at universities in Brazil

Research has found that race-neutral policies were not enough to achieve diversity in Brazil’s higher education system. Three scholars probe what that means for the United States.
Critics of legacy admissions argue they maintain racial hierarchies that disproportionately benefit white students. YinYang/iStock via Getty Images

Support for legacy admissions is rooted in racial hierarchy

Some colleges grant preferential treatment in the admission process to children of alumni. A researcher examines what’s behind people’s support for the practice.
The Supreme Court is deciding a case on whether, and how, universities may consider an applicant’s race when making admissions decisions. AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

What is affirmative action, anyway? 4 essential reads

Scholars explain what affirmative action is – and isn’t – as well as what its effects are, and why, among others, the military has supported it for decades.
Race-neutral affirmative action can help identify first-generation students like Blanca Diaz and LaQuintah Garrett. AP Photo/Amy Anthony

Colleges need affirmative action – but it can be expanded

Race-conscious admissions policies are still the best way to achieve diversity on campus. Yet, some race-neutral methods could help colleges improve diversity – and stand up to legal scrutiny.
Could legal intimidation threaten race-conscious admissions in the U.S.? AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The legal threat to diversity on campus

For colleges and universities that lack the multi-billion-dollar endowments of schools like Harvard, the mere threat of legal action may be enough to put an end to race-conscious admissions policies.
Educafro, a Brazilian black activist movement, protested in 2012 to demand more affirmative action programs for higher education. AP Photo/Eraldo Peres

Affirmative action around the world

‘Positive discrimination’ policies around the world are on the rise. What might other countries teach the U.S. about attaining racial, economic and gender equality in higher education?
Students for Fair Admissions filed suit against Harvard College on behalf of a Chinese-American applicant. Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

After Fisher: affirmative action and Asian-American students

Here’s why disagreement about affirmative action will not end any time soon. Coming up next is a lawsuit brought by Asian-Americans challenging Harvard’s race-conscious policy.
Despite criticism from segments of the community, affirmative action helps many disadvantaged Asian-Americans. Torwai Studio/

Asian America needs affirmative action in higher education

Not all Asian-Americans are high-achieving model minorities. What happens when the myth of Asian disadvantage hurts some of the most marginalized students in the US?

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