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Artículos sobre Religious history

Mostrando 21 - 25 de 25 artículos

What came first – all-seeing Gods or complex societies? God the Father and Angel, Guercino Giovan Francesco Barbieri via Wikimedia Commons

Big gods came after the rise of civilisations, not before, finds study using huge historical database

God only started watching over us quite recently, according to a new study that analysed 414 societies from 30 world regions.
Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther, a professor and preacher, published the 95 Theses, a list of debating points on the Christian religion which sparked the Reformation movement. (Jonathan Schoeps/Shutterstock)

The preacher who changed Europe: Reformation at 500 years

Historical accounts of Martin Luther skew or ignore debates about religion and make him hardly recognizable as a pastor and preacher. But his theology changed Europe.
President Dwight Eisenhower at the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Feb. 2, 1956. AP Photo

National Prayer Breakfast: What does its history reveal?

President Trump gave a speech at the Prayer Breakfast that pledged to be “tougher” in international dealings and protect religious liberty. How does it compare with past Presidents?

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