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Artículos sobre South Korea

Mostrando 181 - 200 de 245 artículos

An anti-U.S. protest in Yemen during Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia. Reuters/Khaled Abdullah

Can Congress pressure the White House on human rights?

Congress is trying to curb the president’s ties to human rights abusers, harkening back to landmark legislation of the 1970s.
North Korean leader Kim Jung-un inspects an outpost and Jangjedo defending force. REUTERS/North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA)

What makes Kim Jong Un tick?

A scholar who has profiled the likes of Saddam Hussein and Vladimir Putin says there is a method to understanding the madness.
The over-riding priority underpinning North Korean foreign policy is regime survival and the perpetuation of the Kim family dynasty. Reuters/KCNA

Attacking North Korea: surely Donald Trump couldn’t be that foolish

Regardless of how the US sending an aircraft carrier group to the Korean Peninsula plays out, the international community will ultimately have to accept and learn to manage a nuclear North Korea.

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