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Artículos sobre State capture

Mostrando 201 - 220 de 267 artículos

South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma celebrates with his supporters after surviving a no-confidence motion in parliament. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

No confidence vote: a victory for Zuma, but a defeat for the ANC

The political death of President Jacob Zuma is proving to be a protracted affair. Though he lives to fight another day, the ANC faces the prospect of losing its majority at the polls next year.
Women singing at a South African ANC Women’s League meeting.Three senior women in ANC are contesting the presidency of the party. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

Pros and cons of the three women running for South Africa’s presidency

All three female contenders for the presidency of the ANC and South Africa have strong liberation struggle credentials and have also contributed to democracy. But, are they up to the job?
Leaked information is the life blood of investigative journalists. But there are a few golden rules they should follow when reporting on it. Shutterstock

Ethical journalism: what to do - and not to do - with leaked emails

When given leaked information journalists should check the information, consider alternative explanations, consider the political context and allow the people implicated a proper chance to respond.
A woman votes in Zambia. Beyond multi-party systems and regular elections, many countries resemble very little of true democracies. GovernmentZA/Flickr

Democracy is looking sickly across southern Africa

Democracy is in a parlous state in many countries in southern Africa. Autocrats hold onto power, while electorates have little to choose from at the polls.
Brian Molefe’s return as CEO at South Africa’s power utility, Eskom, has caused controversy. Alon Skuy/The Times

Eskom CEO saga highlights massive systems failure in South Africa

The drama caused by the return of Brain Molefe into South Africa’s power utility, Eskom, signals a failure of accountability and corporate governance within the public sector.

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