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Artículos sobre US law

Mostrando 21 - 40 de 58 artículos

Despite criticism during her first term, progressive prosecutor Kim Foxx won reelection as Cook County state’s attorney by a 14-point margin. Scott Olson/Getty Images

Progressive prosecutors scored big wins in 2020 elections, boosting a nationwide trend

Reform-minded prosecutors across the US notched victories against traditional law-and-order candidates by running on progressive platforms to reduce mass incarceration and tackle police misconduct.
The Supreme Court will soon add another originalist to its ranks if Judge Amy Coney Barrett is confirmed. Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images

What is originalism? Debunking the myths

The judicial theory has been a major talking point during the past three Supreme Court nominations. But what does it actually mean?
Pages from Robert Mueller’s final report on the special counsel investigation into Donald Trump, which show heavy redaction by the Department of Justice. AP Photo/Jon Elswick

Did Trump obstruct justice? 5 questions Congress must answer

Mueller’s report describes more than a dozen times Trump may have broken the law. Here’s how Congress will decide whether the president obstructed justice during federal probes into his presidency.
U.S. President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Topeka, Kan., Oct. 6, 2018. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

From Caesar to Trump: Immunity is a hard thing to give up

US law says the president can’t be indicted, an echo of ancient Roman law. The efforts Roman leader Julius Caesar made to maintain his immunity is a cautionary tale for America’s political system.
Trump’s long-time lawyer and political ‘fixer’ has pleaded guilty to breaking two campaign finance laws, allegedly at the direction of the president. Reuters/Jonathan Ernst

There’s a dark history to the campaign finance laws Michael Cohen broke — and that should worry Trump

Trump’s former personal lawyer broke two laws that control political spending, both passed after major election scandals. President Roosevelt survived his campaign’s misdeeds. Nixon did not.
The justices have previously ruled that the government cannot compel people to speak its message or associate with ideas they do not hold.

Supreme Court to rule on your First Amendment right to silence

Most people know that the First Amendment protects free speech. But two upcoming Supreme Court cases reveal how it also gives people in the US the right not to speak.
Grounds of Hand Up Ministries in Oklahoma City houses sex offenders. AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki

Are sex offender registries reinforcing inequality?

Beginning in the 1990s, all 50 US states and Washington, DC created public sex offender registries. Do they do more to help or hurt?

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