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Artículos sobre Zimbabwe coup

Mostrando 21 - 35 de 35 artículos

A strong judiciary isn’t enough to keep democracy in place. Kenya’s Supreme Court decision nullifying the re-election of Uhuru Kenyatta is a case in point. Reuters/Baz Ratner

A year of illusions: five things we learnt about democracy in Africa in 2017

The past 12 months provided further evidence of the danger of democratic backsliding in Africa. But it also saw powerful presidents suffer embarrassing setbacks in a number of countries.
Chinese President Xi Jinping reviews the guard of honour on a state visit to Zimbabwe. Reuters/Philimon Bulawayo

Why the focus on China’s role in Mugabe’s fall missed the bigger picture

A narrow interest in whether Beijing actively pushed for Mugabe’s fall is based on the assumption that the China-Africa relationship is an isolated phenomenon.
The Army has promised a bloodless rebellion against President Robert Mugabe, but there’s good reason to doubt their claims. AP Photo

Latin American history suggests Zimbabwe’s military coup will turn violent

Some observers think Mugabe’s overthrow by the Army might be a good thing for Zimbabwe. An Argentinean expert on Latin America’s bloody military dictatorships disagrees.

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